Karel Vereycken, peintre-graveur

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Le « miracle » du Gandhara : quand Bouddha s’est fait homme

Le miracle de Gandhara, quand Bouddha s’est fait homme

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Paris Schiller Institute stages Afghan civil society protest against UNESCO

Cultural Heritage Cooperation — UNESCO and the WEST must lift sanctions now against Afghanistan, Syria, etc.

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Afghanistan: Qosh Tepa canal and prospects of Aral Sea basin water management

Presentation of Karel Vereycken at the second panel discussion of the Water for Peace seminar organized by the Schiller Institute on January 9, 2024 in Paris.

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The science of Oases, from the Indus Valley to Persian qanats

Oasis are not produced by nature but by man !

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Joachim Patinir and the invention of landscape painting

The theme of man courageously turning away from the temptation of a world that traps our sensorium, is the underlying theo-philosophical theme of almost all Patinir’s landscapes.

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Victor Hugo and the awakening of the colossus

Nourished by a Christian humanism and love of others, the french statesman, critic, author and poet Victor Hugo (1802-1885) felt challenged by the state of the French people and the misery in which they found themselves, without ending up with an idealized or romantic vision. And when he sees the people rise up, Hugo took the measure of their colossal power, be it for good or for evil.

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Derrière les « chevaux célestes » chinois, la science terrestre

Nul besoin d’être anthropologue pour comprendre que l’histoire de l’humanité a radicalement changé avec la domestication du cheval, certaines choses considérées comme impossibles auparavant devenant, du jour au lendemain, la normalité.

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Grands travaux : l’exemple inspirant du « Plan Freycinet »

Le plan Freycinet comprenait la construction de voies ferrées, de canaux, de routes, l’ensemble conçu comme un tout.

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Horse-power, the Earthly Science behind China’s “Heavenly Horses”

The Earthly science behind China’s discovery of Horsepower

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Afghanistan : « Le pays des 1000 cités d’or » et l’histoire d’Aï Khanoum

Bien plus qu’un gisement de cuivre, l’Afghanistan est une mine de culture et de civilisation.

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Afghanistan: « The Land of 1000 Golden Cities » and the Story of Ai-Khanoum

Time is ripe for Afghanistan to reconstruct its economy and present its exceptionnal cultural heritage.

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Rembrandt and the Light of Agapè

Don’t count on me here to tell his story in a few lines! (*1) In any case, since the romantics, all, and nearly to much has been said and written about the rediscovered Dutch master of light inelegantly thrown into darkness by the barbarians of neo-classicism.

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How Jacques Cœur put an end to the Hundred Years’ War

Without waiting for the end of the Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453), Jacques Cœur, an intelligent and energetic man of whom no portrait or treatise exists, decided to rebuild a ruined, occupied and tattered France.

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The Congress for Cultural Freedom: How the CIA « weaponized » Modern Art

At the heart of this secret « Kulturkampf », a veritable cultural Cold War, was the Paris-based Congress of Cultural Freedom (CCF), headed from 1950 to 1967 by CIA agent Michael Josselson.

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Van Eyck, a Flemish Painter using Arab Optics?

What follows is an edited transcript of a lecture by Karel Vereycken on the subject of “Perspective in XVth-century Flemish religious painting”. It was delivered at the international colloquium “La recherche du divin à travers l’espace géométrique” (The quest for the divine through geometrical space) at the Paris Sorbonne UniversityRead More…

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Et si on corrigeait les erreurs de Marx?

Marx (et ses erreurs) de retour?

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The Maritime Silk Road, a history of 1001 Cooperations

La Route de la soie maritime a été un grand chantier de coopération.

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The ancient practice of debt cancellation

Debt cancellation was common practice in Egypt, Mesopotamia and for the Bible. Find out more.

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On the origins of Modern Art, the problem of Symbolism

There is something rotten in the Kingdom of Art?

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Rembrandt: 400 years old and still young!

Why Rembrandt reaches to our souls over the centuries?

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Artistes ! La dignité de l’homme est remise en vos mains: gardez-la! Elle tombe avec vous! Avec vous elle s’élèvera! La sainte magie de la poésie a son rôle bienfaisant dans un sage plan du monde: que doucement elle nous guide à l’océan de la grande harmonie. (Friedrich Schiller)