Un trois-mâts carré avant le départ

Un trois-mâts carré avant le départ, Karel Vereycken, eau-forte sur zinc, 5e et dernier état.

5e état.

3e état

2e état

Premier état.

Merci de partager !

2 Commentsto Un trois-mâts carré avant le départ

  1. Karel Vereycken dit :

    Etchings are done in steps. You always work on the same copper or zinc plate, but each time you have worked on it, you print it out to see the result because looking on the metal plate is insufficient to really see the final effect. Each step is called a « state ». I generally start with a rough sketch to establish the composition. Then more and more lines can increase the density of the black parts. Then, vernis mou or aquatinto or both, etc.
    More about states you find here:

  2. Wayne T Baker dit :

    What is occuring here? This process? Beginning to finish? I am not educated to know.

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