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LOUVRE AUDIO GUIDE: Van Eyck, Rolin and the Peace of Arras

Audio on this website
Other audios of the Louvre Audio Guide collection:
- Short note about the building;
- The Greek tradition behind the Fayum Mummy Portraits;
- Cimabue, Giotto, Fra Angelico, the Wonders of the Italian Trecento;
- Who was whispering in the Ear of Joan of Arc;
- Van der Weyden and Cusanus;
- Antonello de Messina and Man in the image of Christ;
- Ghirlandaio’s immortality;
- The Rigor of Mantegna’s crucifixion;
- Leonardo and Verrocchio’s workshop;
- Why Leonardo didn’t like painting;
- Mona Lisa made in China?;
- How Bosch’s Ship of Fools drove the Jester out of business;
- Why Erasmus had no time to pause for portraits;
- Rembrandt, sculptor of Light;
- Why Vermeer was hiding his convictions;
- Van Eyck, Nicolas Rolin and the Peace of Arras.
- Jan van Eyck, la beauté comme prégustation de la sagesse divine (FR en ligne) + EN on line.
- Jan Van Eyck, un peintre flamand dans l’optique arabe (FR en ligne)
- Jan Van Eyck, a Flemish Painter using Arab Optics (EN online)
- Rogier Van der Weyden, maître de la compassion (FR pdf)
- Comment Jacques Cœur a mis fin à la Guerre de Cent Ans (FR en ligne)
- How Jacques Coeur put an end to the Hundred Years War (EN online);