ArtistCloseUp interviews Karel Vereycken on the creative method
In its september 2024 issue #22, the Contemporary Art Magazine ArtistCloseUp, widely read among professionnals, presented some works of the French-Belgian Painter-engraver Karel Vereycken. On July 23, the magazine published an online interview with Karel on what motivates him and his creative method. Karel Vereycken Born in 1957 in Antwerp,Read More…
Quinten Matsys et Léonard – L’aube d’une ère du rire et de la créativité
par Karel Vereycken, août 2024. Read an online EN version of this article Matsys et Léonard, sommaire Introduction A. Les enjeux culturels et philosophiques d’un contexte B. Quinten Matsys C. Œuvres choisies, décryptage et nouvelles interprétations D. L’art érasmien du grotesque E. Conclusion Bibliographie sélective Au début du XVIe siècle,Read More…
Thanks to WEST’s new record, world’s nuclear fusion community moving forward
On Monday May 27, 2024, Karel Vereycken talked to physicist and nuclear fusion specialist Alain Bécoulet for Nouvelle Solidarité. He has been in charge of the ITER project’s engineering department since February 2020. ITER is a large-scale scientific experiment intended to prove the viability of fusion as an energy source.Read More…
1953-1968: When « Water for Peace » was at the Center of US Politics
By Karel Vereycken, May 2024. The current unprecedented bloody extermination of the Palestinians in Gaza reminds historians of some of the darkest pages of European history. Between 1940 and 1943, some 300,000 Jews confined in the Ghetto of Warsaw were killed by bullet or gas, combined with 92,000 victims ofRead More…