Nourished by a Christian humanism and love of others, the french statesman, critic, author and poet Victor Hugo (1802-1885) felt challenged by the state of the French people and the misery in which they found themselves, without ending up with an idealized or romantic vision. And when he sees the people rise up, Hugo took the measure of their colossal power, be it for good or for evil.
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Tags: agricultural, artist, artkarel, Béranger, Châtiments, cholera, Choses Vues, Christian, colosse, colossus, dangerous, De Gaulle, Erasmus, fragmentation, goya, gueux, guillotine, humanism, insalubrity, Jaurès, Karel, Karel Vereycken, labor, livelihood, Love, metaphor, Misérables, misery, National Council of the Resistance, ocean, pity, poet, poverty, power, prison, renaissance, revolution, riot, schiller, uprising, Valjean, Vereycken, Victor Hugo, wages, working-class